Indigenous Movements

Throughout history, indigenous movements to Christ have been the sign that the Gospel has taken root in a people group. Frontier People Groups (FPGs) are those with no known movements to Christ yet.

Many FPGs have long standing animosity to Christianity as a foreign culture or political and religious rival. Families and communities become opposed to the Gospel when individual members leave to join a Christian religious group.

But we know God is seeking all those who will worship Him in Spirit and Truth (Jn. 4), and Jesus showed us how to sow the Gospel into other people groups. For movements to emerge, FPGs need to realize Jesus is their savior too, just as he was for the enemies of the Jews: the Samaritans, Greeks and Romans. Gospel movements, like those in Acts, rapidly spread the Good News of God’s blessing from family to family through indigenous self-sustaining movements in multiple people groups.

Learn more about movements as God’s means of bringing people groups into his kingdom:

Read Donald McGavran’s classic 1981 article on the importance of indigenous movements
(annotated for clarity in light of today’s terminology):
– As a printable PDF
– Original 2018 Mission Frontiers article 

This article explains why movements are a game-changer today, especially in large resistant
people groups:
– Update to 2020
– 2019 PDF as a printable booklet

Indigenous Movements in Every People: How Peoples Become Reached

Movements: God’s Way of Reaching Entire Peoples

Hunting the Movement Killers (a whole Mission Frontiers magazine issue focused on understanding what kills
or prevents movements to Christ from happening)

The Lens of Kingdom Movements in Scripture: A Biblical Exegesis of Church- planting Movements

A whole Mission Frontiers magazine issue on so-called ‘Insider” movements

Many resources for multiplying movements to Christ on the model originally presented by George Patterson (mentoring of obedience-oriented church multipliers) can be found at these websites:  (teaching skits used by George Patterson)