All the Families

God made a covenant with Abraham to bless all the families of the earth through him. Families of faith are God’s conduits of blessing in their
communities and to all the families of the earth. God works through them to fulfill his global goal, or “telos.”

If we are not blessing families, we are not fulfilling the Great Commission. Jesus sent out his disciples out to find a welcoming family of peace in each
town and disciple them to be the seedbed of faith for the whole village (Luke 10). Pioneering field workers in Frontier People Groups can fulfill God’s covenant of blessing by bringing the Good News of reconciliation into families and communities.

Read more about God’s intent to bless all the families of the earth by using families dedicated to His purposes:
The Family in the Purposes of God (article);
Is the Family God’s Primary Mission Strategy for World Evangelization? (whole issue of Mission Frontiers Magazine):
The Family–God’s Blessing to All Peoples (article):
The Essential Role of the Family in World Evangelization (article):
The Oikos Hammer—You and Your Household (article):